Can you see the tiny patty pan squash pushing its way into the world? Some plants, needless to say, have been doing better than others this summer. The current heat is making for some saggy, saggy leaves, but the corn is loving it!

Yeah yeah yeah. It may not look like much compared to Iowa, but by the end of September, we may actually have corn! I started them from seed, and I think next year I will use plant starts instead. Our scarlet runner beans are winding all over and producing really dramatic blossoms, but no beans yet.
Our many tomato plants are just turning now- we have been eating some yellow Golden Perfection tomatoes, but have many heirloom varieties and grape tomatoes to come! It's turning into a jungle.

Thebroccoli died, but we have eaten several zucchini- squash may be my personal forte! Which is alright, since I'm obsessed with them. Our peas have been producing a lot, but they do not like the heat at all. Prima donnas.

And that, folks, is the end of July garden report. Hold your breath for the next one!
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