Saturday, August 22, 2009

Meet our tiny corn!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Overdue Alaska Photos
I am on Joe's boat, staring intently in the direction of two humpback whales diving and resurfacing nearby! Baxter, Joe and Sunny's black lab, doesn't think it's worth getting up for.
Humpback's humpback.
This is a skate fish, which is a member of the shark family, and the very first thing I caught (besides the herring we were using for bait). It is not apparently delicious, so we threw it back. But it looked amazing!
This sea lion was hanging out in the harbor most of the time we were there- it liked to jump out of the water and scare the floating gulls.
This eagle watched us with a smirk while we tried unsuccessfully to catch some Coho salmon. All we caught were bug bites.
Kyle is holding our first day's catch- one each. Next year maybe this will be me- actually touching a fish:) I did, however, club one of my halibut once I caught it, which was a big step for me. They are very tough fish, so you have to club them on the head a few times to kill them. It's actually more humane then letting them flop around and suffocate.
He was especially proud of the even distribution of cans along the back of the van.
The first afternoon we arrived, Jeff and Liz had a BBQ for out of town guests. It was four straight days of wedding festivities: BBQ, Batchelor/Batchelorette parties, Rehearsal dinner, Wedding. I am on Jeff and Liz's great deck overlooking Frederick Sound, visiting with Farley- the kind of dog you might get if you crossed a chocolate lab with a great dane.
Kyle took this picture of Joe and I "gettin' down" on the dance floor while he was acting bartender for an hour at the reception. The women of Petersburg are unstoppable dancers, and the reception ended at 2:30am!
Willow stayed with our friends Jill and Patrick, and Lance checked in on the cats while we were away. Once we returned home, Cheeto would not leave our sides, and Cleo was genuinely friendly- it can't last. Kyle took this picture in the morning after we came back while I was still sleeping with the cats on top of me.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Heading Home
Monday, August 10, 2009
Coming to You From Petersburg, AK!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Alaska Ho!

Just kidding. ;)