Heading to Seattle on the afternoon jet today (there are two flights out of Petersburg everyday at the same time- 11:30 and 5:30). It has been a great trip- four days of wedding festivities, one day of recovery, and two days of fishing. We are bringing home about thirty pounds of halibut- Kyle caught two more yesterday and I caught one more, bringing our total to five. We caught a lot of halibut that were an inch or two short of the length for keeping:) Joe took us up Petersburg Creek yesterday afternoon, after a morning of fishing halibut in the ocean waters. We fished for Coho salmon but didn't get a single bite that wasn't a sculpen(scary prehistoric bottom feeder who are all mouth) or a little trout. We have seen, in the past two days of fishing: sea lions, harbor seals, two humpback whales, and a bald eagle. Awesome! Once we are back in Portland, we will post our pictures! Tonight we get in late, 11pm, and will sleep at John and Dana's before driving back to Portland tomorrow to see our pets! Belowis a picture of Jeff and Liz, the happy married couple, flanked by Sunny and Joe, our incredibly gracious hosts and great friends!
1 comment:
Steph is telling fish stories already - we have 20 to 25 pounds of halibut.
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