Steph's stand up Dracula made it back to Portland with us this summer, riding unceremoniously under the hatchback with the rest of my junk. We've got him set up as our bathroom attendant right now, but he'll soon be moved to the front window as part of our Halloween display. He joins some other familiar and unfamiliar faces around the house.
The Wicked Witch of the West lives on top of our medicine cabinet, where she continually frightens the bejeezus out of this set of B movie extras.
This mannequin head holds my wrestling mask and winter hat, resulting in a "Luche Libre, Private Eye" kind of look.
He's recently been joined by Jack, the Repurpose Pumpkin, who holds all our unrecyclable junk until I can find something else to use it for. And, as you can tell by the helmet, he is also our bicycle safety spokes-pumpkin. ("Don't squash your melon!")
I bought this Spiderman back scratcher at the big neighborhood yard sale this summer. Only 25 cents.
Our kitchen soap dispenser came from Goodwill. We call her Ethyl Onesquirt.
Finally, here are the hand puppets that our friend Toni made for us. Some of you may recognize them from Facebook. On the left is Rosamund Bumblesome, and to the right is Panch Phoran.
Again, I would like to point out that I was gone when Kyle wrote this post. Not that I disapprove of it- just that he turns to blogging when he's feeling lonely:) No Vampire Diaries this time, though...
OK I think you guys need to try out for HGTV"s Next Design star!
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