I need to get some pictures of our Halloween decorations taken. But until then, enjoy these pictures from Halloweens past.
Last year we dressed up as witches, though I ended up looking more like Gandolf, I think.
Here's Steph and her sister from a ways back. (Note the stripey socks.)
Back in 1998, I was staying with my friend Jeff in Minneapolis. A bunch of us dressed up as the Addams family. That's me far left as Gomez. Jeff made a fantastic Uncle Fester.
This is the best costume I've ever pulled off (with considerable help from notsupergirl). I called it "Kyle or Kyla." I went out to the bar in this and in the first five minutes three women came up to me and squeezed my "boob." The ladies really like men dressed as ladies.
Holy Crap Kyle! or should I say Kyla, that's fantastic!!
I forgot to give proper credit to my friend Jen, who did all the sewing and make up for me. I've since amended the post.
You two are quite a pair!
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