Monday, June 8, 2009


Kyle's on the phone talking with Joe in Alaska. Today, my principal said I was number two on the Reading RIF list, which means my chances of being recalled for a job somewhere in the district are good. And, my lovely former principal, Yuki, emailed me about two Reading teacher jobs in the Parkrose SD, one at middle school and one at high school. I'll apply for those by the end of the week. Soooo, we decided tonight to go ahead with summer plans AS THOUGH I HAVE A JOB. This means a visit to Iowa in July, and flying to Alaska in August for Kyle's friend Jeff's wedding. But there's one more day of school, several paperwork hoops and a classroom to pack in my car before then. Look forward to pictures of pets, plants and PDX in the near future. It's Project Summer!


krisalyssa said...

When I first read this I thought you meant Parkrose, South Dakota. Then, I realized it was school district. It is morning and I took Bailey for a zombie walk-you'd think I would be more awake than this? Good Luck! Hope the last day goes as well as it can. Yay! for coming home this summer!!!

Unknown said...

Eric gave me the in on how to get in your blog. U 2 R NUTS! But I hope you get the job you ant and get to travel where you want and Kyle obviously needs to go!

Wendy Miller said...