Monday, October 12, 2009

Duck Tale

(Posted by Kyle)

Not making this up: We went to Seattle this weekend (for a dog's birthday party, but that's another post). Our friend just happens to work with the woman who holds the Guinness world record for owning the most rubber ducks. This woman just happened to be having an open house on Saturday. Sometimes the stars align for the lucky blogger.

We easily spotted her house . . .

and her vehicle:

Once inside, we saw many, many kinds of rubber ducks.

Superhero ducks:

Halloween ducks:

Science fiction ducks:

Ugly ducks:

Unexplainable ducks:

A duck hospital for deflated ducks:

The hardest working duck in show business:

Duck-themed games and toys:

Here's the room where most of the ducks are displayed:

She has a couple of wall mounted display cases for the wee ones:

We were also treated to duck shaped cupcakes that had malted milk ball heads with candy corn beaks.


Unknown said...

WTF? I have a cousin who has a zebra duck. He takes him everywhere and takes stupid pictures of him. OH and you get to see a Duck house but not the Candy house?

krisalyssa said...

That is awesome! How many does she have total? Also, I was wearing that same sweatshirt on Saturday-crazy sister coincidence.

Kyle said...

I'm thinking the candy house will now pale in comparison to the duck house. Steph and I are trying to think of something we can obsessively, but easily, collect.

I think she has like 4700 ducks. She started collecting in 1996.